this video features frances quinlan, known as hop along, queen ansleis, covering the great leonard cohen song 'chelsea hotel #2'
i found the artist through a link on the street smart cyclist myspace page and terribly late may i add. frances plays these very folksy and twangy acoustic songs in a voice that some would describe as 'catlike'. despite the number of yodels and squeaks in her voice, i cant help but love it. she released her first album 'freshman year' in 2005 and is now awaiting a new release sometime this year. live videos of her songs can also be found on ifyoumakeit, a site which displays videos of great girls and guys who for the most part call their home the northeast. her lyrics cute and include topics range from hunting to flying kites in the rain and throwing tin cans at bystanders. my favorites songs has to be 'the goose and the wren' and it is one of the most emotionally satisfying song ive heard from an acoustic artist. it's a great freaking sing along as well. she's the louder counterpart to her friend wheatie mattiasich, which i love as well. wheatie is so much more folksy and subtle than frances. both ladies are great in their own respects. i love everything about frances. as cheesy as it may sound, i definitely feel a great sense of passion from her voice. shes not afraid to yell or fluctuate her voice to reflect her mood. i hope something moves you. goodbye.

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